I'm unimpressed. I don't like these, things, I think they're gaudy and serve very little more then to advertise Adidas and the jersey. This is also besides the fact that the section now has multiple "big ass flags", as the section has come to call them, that are brought up over the heads of people in the section when a goal is scored as seen below. The section this year will actually be smaller size wise then the Cauldron was last year. Where is the space for all this stuff going to come from?
Photos c/o Kathie Robison

The new Jersey banner will be 22' x 24'. The current "big ass flag" is about 20' x 20'. The Cauldron at CAB will be about 60' deep. That should leave plenty of room for the "Jersey" and "big ass flag" to co-exist.
i hope you have written permission for those non-copyrighted pictures ;)
What happens if the Cauldron doesn't display the big-ass jersey? Or better question....do we get on national TV more if the Cauldron does show the jersey? No? Meh...why bother.
I like them and all the Cauldron wearing replica jerseys is advertizing for adidas too right?
It's free, it adds even more colour to the section, why complain ....
I'm not a fan of the jersey banners. They are corporate, impersonal, and uninspiring. Homemade for the home team is the way to go.
I don't like them for the same reason as mm, just completely uninspiring. Never have they're like a cop out for more creative ideas.
How are they a "cop out for more creative ideas"? Are you seeing something that I missed that says we are not allowed to do any of our own flags/banners as long as we have the Adidas Jersey flag? As I posted, there is plenty of room in the Cauldron for the Jersey flag as well as anything "original" we have or are planning.
How many big ass flags are there now? 1 big one and 3-4 smaller ones right? Then factor in all the flags that are in the section now, I would think that this took up enough space that something like this wasn't needed in the section.
That's not even counting anything the Argie's bring in.
there are 3 mini-big ass flags (someone decided to steal one late last season) and the regular big ass flag. Unless Sudakas (the Argies) bring the banner I posted on BS, the only thing they bring, other than the flags on poles, is 2 of the 3 mini-big ass flags.
Based on the sizes I posted in my first post, I don't see where the problem is in having multiple banners.
I thought about it some more and I guess having the jersey makes us appear more relevant as in "Adidas decided we're cool enough to have a giant jersey banner" which is fine I guess. But you can never replace quality unique club banners. (as I'm sure almost all will agree to). Plus it's a (almost?) free club banner.
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