Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sporting KC's New Logo?

I had the above logo emailed to me by an anonymous source today stating it was the Wizards/Sporting KC's new logo. From what I've been told this certainly does look to be the team's new logo next year. It contains the darker and the lighter blue that people have been hearing, and includes gray which I'd heard was included a bit.

It's a fairly generic logo, seemingly designed to upset no one. If you look closely it actually looks a lot like the MLS Eastern Conference logo currently. We'll find out for sure Wednesday.


cheezwiz said...

I like it. Sharp.

Anonymous said...

Awful. Boring and awful. It looks like one of those generic logos you can order out of Eurosport.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great as well. A big improvement and classy! Where in the heck did they find this? It could just be a fake to throw people off.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Easily one of the top MLS logos now.

Anonymous said...

I really dig it...good job again OnGoal.

bstoeff said...

I am whatever on the rebrand just as long as the product on the pitch can compete but I would and will be disappointed if all the hype over a new crest that was well done ends up being this

Anonymous said...

I like it. Now get the new kits online so we can order for the holidays!

Anyone notice the stripe field and the blue field looks like the State Line?

Anonymous said...

Pretty generic and plain, but I think that is what they are going for. I do like it better than the Wizards' logo. A step up in that regard.

BlacknBlueKC said...

Is the Anon guy above that posted multiple all the same guy? And is he the one that created this bland logo, uninspiring logo?

Anonymous said...

you guys got screwed

Howie said...

Hopefully, that's just a draft. That's pretty bland if not.

Anonymous said...

Give the OnGoal/Wizards people a chance to explain the logo before you judge it. You never know what each piece will signify! Keep up the good work Sporting. If Dallas and Colorado can get to the Cup, we can too in 2011!

Anonymous said...

I'm stunned so many like this. This is so disappointing. The term "Sporting" means nothing nothing to US soccer fans, and it will certainly do nothing but baffle non-soccer fans. Maybe "Wizards" sounds silly, but I can't help but feel like this takes some personality out of the club. Beating Manchester United (even in a friendly) helps a club gain global appeal. I don't see how this bland name/logo will. I wish fans could have a say.

Anonymous said...

This is good, but the real logo will be far better and include a star above the crest to represent our MLS Cup glory. Welcome to the real sport of soccer...a sport that is not American or specific to any one is an international sport...welcome to the international community :)

Anonymous said...

...being part of an international community doesn't mean a team needs to settle for bland and uninspired

WF said...

i sounds like all of these anon comments are from people who work for ongoal. that crest is terrible. its not fit for a rec youth league. I hope this is all a ploy by ongoal to get everyone thinking they're going with this terrible new rebrand. everyone will get really upset (which they have) and then they'll unveil something which won't be nearly as bad like Kansas City SC. I wanted them to stick with wizards but at this point i'd be so relieved if it were anything but sporting. I hope they're just trying to trick us in liking the new name because it won't be sporting.
I'm so grateful for what ongoal has come in and done for this organization. Please don't screw up it and rebrand with such a terrible name and crest.

Moop said...

I'm guessing most of the the initial anon comments aren't from different people.

It's a sub-par logo and that's by soccer or any other standards.

I'm a graphic designer by trade and to the credit of a most of the M.L.S. teams, whether their logos are traditional enough or not, they at least make sense.

This logo seems to indicate the team name is Kansas City Sporting S.C. as opposed to Sporting K.C. Secondly, it is a step up from the blandness of the Wizards' current logo, but I question by how much. Finally, and I don't mean to be graphic, but why do we have an "S" on the logo, in white, that looks like a spermatozoa? Really?

Would I have designed something better? Who knows. Probably not and I should shut my pie hole. I have to think the organization has enough money to get someone to make a better logo than this, though.

Heck, get rid of the out-of-place SC crap and put a soccer ball on it or something . . . anything. It reminds me of the cheesy corporate insurance/financial/medical logos I see all the time or like some security guard company.

Why come all this way building a stadium, hyping fans, and acquiring players for your second chance at a first impression, just to fall on your face?

Anonymous said...

To the person who said that the logo is one of the top MLS logos:

a - You're smoking crack;
b - When you rip off an existing logo (see MLS Eastern Conference Logo) quite blatantly, it's usually more effective if you improve upon the source.

Drew said...

I no longer support the Kansas City Wizards and I won't support this shit.

Anonymous said...

wow. that is just terrible.

and here i thought they rightly got rid of the "wizards" name so they wouldn't have a terrible logo/crest anymore.

so much for that. they might have well just stayed wizards and put a gandalf outline in a around circle and called it a day.

that font for the interlocked S and C is f**king terrible. and shouldn't it be a K and a C? like Sporting KC? i know it says Kansas City at the top but it also says Sporting inside the crest itself so what is the team's name? Kansas City Sporting Sporting Club?

this is just one giant clusterf**k. this is what you get when you put a medical company in charge of a soccer club.

why MLS teams that need a new logo don't call the Union and ask who did their very excellent logo and hire them to do something of similar quality for them is beyond me. first the timbers let some mississippi inbreds turn a classic crest into a romper room logo and now this abomination.

Hough said...

I really hope this is not it, very boring. Whoever said it looks like the generic logos from eurosport was right on. That is exactly what came to mind when I saw that.

Sporting KC I can live with, Kansas City Sporting S.C. with a bland logo could be more demotivating to support this team.

As an FC Dallas supporter who lives in KC I keep wanting to like this team, but I really hate this logo.

Anonymous said...

As a supporter of the KC Wizards, my expectations were high for the rumored rebranding of the team. I love this team, but always thought that "Wizards" left a lot to be desired. With that said, I am extremely disappointed with the club name "Sporting" and this new logo.

This logo is very generic. I'll echo Moop's comments when I say that the logo leads to confusion for the club's name. I am also a little confused by what the waving rows symbolize on the left side of the crest. Are they supposed to be rows of Kansas wheatfields?

In the end I thought that with a name like Sporting, that this club would have a classic crest, like Sporting Lisbon, but I am fearful that this new crest will not age well and will look dated after a few short years. Just like the Wizards name, we will look back on this new rebranding effort and say, "what were they thinking?"

Spoon said...

That crest is terrible it looks like the eastern or western conference shields. Well I was hoping for something more creative but then forgot that the club has no creativity when it comes to team logos. Just look at the current ripe off badge we have.

matt said...

1000% better looking than anyother logo this club has had.

Wonder if OnGoal is going to use the same logo for their other teams that they are going to by and just change out the SC lettering

Anonymous said...

If you're going to go plain, keep it really clean and classy like Vancouver did. This is muddled stuff that was clearly not focus-grouped.

Caitlin - BrandBucket said...

Not the most exciting logo in the world, looks very old school.

J said...

That is freaking terrible.

Anonymous said...

I hope the organization can see how disgruntled fans are about this. It's really dreadful. Our team deserves better than this, and better than being named "Sporting."

Anonymous said...

When did "Wizards" become such a bad word?

Nathan Martin said...

I care about this but am much more focused on the Wizards/Sporting obtaining a real finisher up top (Bravo or otherwise), a solid 2-way central midfielder, and starting quality center back.

Ugly crest or not, I want home playoff games and victories.

Anonymous said...


Look What The First Year Art Student Made! said...

I want to like the logo. I really do. I just can't. I keep looking at the thing hoping it will final hit me, but no luck. I even copied the logo and threw it up next to the logos for the rest of the league. That didn't help. Most everybody else has a crest that either reminds you of a soccer logo or references the team or city in a pronounced way. All I see with the new "Kansas City" logo is SC in creepy, out of place letters. Well, that and the Eastern Conference logo.

LWTFYASM! said...

Can we have the Timbers old logo? They're not using it.

Just kidding . . . . sort of.

Anonymous said...

Did the Wizards even think, for one minute, about talking to their fans to see what THEY wanted? Last I checked we were hoping to GROW interest in the team with the new soccer stadium, not have to start from scratch with a name that means nothing to anyone. Sporting? I get the connection to European teams but we are NOT in Europe people. We are in the midwest. If anything, we have a strong mix of midwesterners and Hispanic fans. The word "sporting" means nothing to them. It will mean even less to any potential new soccer fans. "Dad, take me to a Sporting Game, pleeeze?" Dad will say, Ok, hmmmm...what's Sporting? Perhaps Junior means he wants to go to the Royals. They're sporting! Give me a break. This is going to be a huge PR disaster. So unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Wow if that is the new logo it goes perfect with the new name...and if your gonna screw something up you should go big!! first make a name change to something that is totally lacking edge and then try to push the change on us by making the word sporting larger and bolder than kansas city!! hey on goal you are over the crossbar..its about the fans, the city, the team not the owners the owners the owners and the egos. dumb move. Wizards was never great but it is usually harder to do worse so congrats.

over there said...

All I want to say is, I'm really sorry guys. You deserved better.

- a Revs supporter

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks this logo is great needs their head checked. It's totally lame and boring, not to mention a complete rip off of older logos (ex. MLS Eastern). The whole Sporting thing is unfortunate as well. Stick with the Wizards.

kj said...

As I've heard the rumors of the name change, I cringed at the variations of "Sporting" I'd heard. "Wizards" on its own isn't great, but it's certainly not as bad as Wiz, Burn, or the poser-riffic Sporting KC. Plus, Wizards now has over a decade of history, including a couple of trophies.

Then this came out. One can only hope this is a clever ruse to keep the real crest a secret until tomorrow, because it's an amazing pile of dung. None of the elements work together at all; it's as if different people worked on every piece of the logo. Hell, the existing wordmark logo, which needed replacing anyway, is miles better than this.

Wizards fans: you deserve better than this. I really hope that the fans never embrace this new name, and that they continue to call their team the Wizards.

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? This cannot be the best that this organization can come up with! We have a great team & fantastic fans that deserve better. I'm not opposed to a change because there's a world of potential out there, and many great designers and agencies that could put together a rebranding campaign that would make this city proud. The Sporting KC name & logo concept, however, is unimaginative, boring, and - well -just plain odd. Whoever is responsible for this decision needs to add some people to their camp that aren't afraid to step forward with good advice rather than just going along with a bad idea. If the group hired a designer or agency to create this logo and are actually going to pay them for it then they've been robbed. It looks like free clip art. Who will actually want to wear anything with this logo (or anything remotely similar) on it?

Anonymous said...

Sporting Kansas City or is it Kansas City Sporting?

Either, I'm actually embarrassed for you KC fans/supporters. Real Salt Lake is lame but at least they ripped off the name of a globally recognized club. KC decides to name themselves after a far lesser known Portuguese club? Dumb.

And what's with the "SC" font? KCSC would have been 100% better and made for a cleaner badge/logo.

I've seen better logos from indoor soccer clubs and arena football teams.

Anonymous said...

"Wizards" is the most god awful cheesiest name in all of adult professional sports. Good effin god, even the Washington Wizards of the NBA use a cheesy little Merlin style character for their logo, at least KC never stooped to that level of gayness.

It does seem odd though that KC with it's rich Midwest history can't come up with something that reflects that. If indeed "Sporting" is the new name it just sounds generic. At least DC United can justify the "United" moniker as being related to being the capital of the United States. Real Salt Lake, notsomuch.

Jesse said...

I am still warming up to the new Name and Direction this team/organization is going in. And I have seen OnGoal's explaination on what each part of the new crest represents.
My interpretation is simply the team is Kansas City Soccer Club (S.C.) under the Brand Sporting.
With the mention of future rugby & laccrosse teams I would assume the future crests for those teams would be similar but instead of SC, be Rugby Club (RC) or Laccrosse Club (LC) or whatever to signify the difference.
Cause is seems a lil repeative to have Sporting Kansas City Sporting Club.'s to the future of KC Sports

Anonymous said...

I am going to commit soccer suiciding

Anonymous said...

I just need to know what "SC" is supposed to represent. Did the CEO or a committee design this, or did a designer?

Anonymous said...

What a joke. You will never buld a legacy by stealing a name from one of the biggest clubs in Europe. You are doomed. You guys are not Sporting and you will never be Sporting. There is only one Sporting and it is in Lisbon, Portugal. Even your new logo is a reip-off of the original Sporting logo. Improve your game and build your own name, clowns.

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea for you. How about Barcelona United Kansas City Soccer Club SC?

Mike said...

Anon, Lisbon is not the only club with the name Sporting. I'm not going to waste too much time searching but just off the top of my head, Sporting Cristal in Peru

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