Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Post Season Awards for Comets

Three Missouri Comets players were named to the all league team today. The same 3 players are up for other awards later this week. Geison, Danny Waltman, Leo Gibson and Byron Alvarez were all named to the all league team. Geison was named to the first team, while Waltman, Gibson, and Alvarez were named to the second team.

Geison is also up for the MVP award that will be announced soon. Waltman is up for goalkeeper of the year while Gibson is up for defender of the year. The fact that Waltman and Gibson are on the second team very likely means that neither of them is going to win their individual award. The Comets coach, Kim Rontved is up for coach of the year as well. Congrats to the 5.

1 comment:

  1. Mike - Byron Alvarez was also named 2nd Team All-MISL. Kim Roentved was also nominated for Coach of the Year.
