Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rocastle Out 2 Months

So it sounds like the injury that Craig Rocastle suffered with the Grenada national team in their first Gold Cup game is kind of serious. Andrew Wiebe, Sporting KC's beat writer for posted on Twitter today that Rocastle was at training with a wrap on his leg. He also said that Rocastle has a torn PCL and meniscus. The injury will keep him out about 2 months. The team is hoping to schedule surgery for early next week.

It's a big blow to the Wizards as Rocastle had helped to turn the midfield and defense around after the issues early in the season. The injury would seem to mean more playing time for Luke Sassano or Stephane Auvray (when he returns from the Gold Cup).

1 comment:

  1. As one who has a torn PCL, if it's worse than a 2nd degree tear- that's real tough news for a soccer player. It's definitely career affecting if not threatening. Hopefully it's just a slight tear. Meniscus tears aren't good either, but if it's his first, it's just a 3-6 week recovery. Bottom line- this is bad news at least and awful news at worst.
