Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sporting KC Endorsing Sly James

Today the KC Star had a story about the fund raising in the current mayoral race in Kansas City, Missouri between Sly James and Mike Burke. Normally that's something that's not really talked about on this blog. But the interesting thing was that the Star listed some of the people/organizations that contributed the maximum to James' campaign. Listed in that group that contributed $3,000 was Sporting Kansas City. I was a little surprised to see them on the list considering the fact that the stadium is out on the other side of the state line. But looking through some of the other names I have an idea why. Another of the top contributors was Three Trails Redevelopment, and with OnGoal still being involved in the redevelopment of the Bannister Mall area and maybe James is more likely to help them get that redevelopment done. Still an interesting aspect to see in the information for the campaign.


  1. They are close to guys who are helping Sly raise money and those individuals asked them for money. I have to believe its not an endorsement, but rather just a favor to other friends who have helped them in the past with work and projects.

  2. So did the political contribution come out of the money that is shared with the remainder of the league's teams?

    For that matter, does the money that pays for the "free" tickets for away matches come out of that same pool of money?

    Some interesting accounting going on there.

  3. Seriously Anon? You're joking right? No it didn't come out of the league coffer.

  4. You're aware of the fact that MLS operates as a single entity, and that there is some amount of revenue sharing going on, right?

  5. And what makes you think that they used that for this mayoral campaign? You're speculating trying to start some controversy where there isn't any. They would need league approval on any funds from their revenue sharing, and there's no reason MLS would do that for a city that isn't building a stadium.

    You're full of shit.

  6. I'm just asking the question.

    Since there's no real need for Sporting KC - the MLS team - to contribute to a politician, then why did they?

    I wouldn't have cared if Sporting Club, LLC had been the contributor of record..

  7. And now the Sporks have purchased a small bit of the KCMO mayorship..
