Wednesday, February 09, 2011

More on Franklin Salas and Rui Miguel

A quick update from today's press conference with Peter Vermes on two players that could have possibly been Sportinng KC players, but it looks like both will not be now.

First, Franklin Salas. He appeared in Saturday's preseason game against Columbus, but did not appear in today's inter-squad scrimmage. And with that the rumors started to flying about what was going on with Salas. Vermes confirmed that Salas was gone during his press conference today. By the sound of what Vermes was saying, Salas did not fit with Vermes scheme and was just not understanding exactly how Vermes wanted him to play it seems. It's a bit disappointing in one regard cause Salas is/was an exciting player, but had recently been suffering some injury issues. But with all the competition at forward, Salas would have had to have been impressive to come in.

The other player, Rui Miguel, was mentioned earlier today as having been a target, but instead seems set to be on his way to Russia instead. During the press conference, when asked about Miguel, Vermes said that KC had gotten a deal in place with the player, but that it was the team added in an extra fee at the end that the Wizards were not willing to accept. This seems to continue the trend that the Wizards have suffered from in their pursuit of an attacking midfielder, as each time it seems they're close they're hit with a hidden fee that in the end they'll not want to pay. As I said originally and on the podcast that Thad and I recorded today, it's disappointing, mainly because I've been impressed with the highlights that I've seen of him online.

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