Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wizards in the Gold Cup

Two of the three Wizards playing tonight in the quarterfinals of the Gold Cup in Philadelphia had a good night tonight, but Wizards captain Jimmy Conrad did not. First, Wizards midfielder, Roger Espinoza once again got a start of Honduras as they faced off against Canada. Espinoza went 90 minutes as Honduras knocked off the Canadians 1-0.

The Hondurans will now face the United States in the semifinals. Both Jimmy Conrad and Davy Arnaud started the game for the US. For the second straight game, Conrad wore the arm band for the US. Unfortunately late in the first half, on a corner kick, Conrad got hit in the head by a Panamanians head. Conrad didn't look all there at all after the collision. Conrad had trouble getting up and looked like he wasn't there at all. He had to be helped up and helped to the back, with his night ending before half time. Conrad picked up a concussion, but word is he is doing well at the hospital after the incident. Arnaud got his second start for the US tonight. Once again up top, Arnaud helped to create a few chances, especially in the second half as the US pushed forward. In fact, Arnaud assisted on the game tying goal from Kyle Beckerman as Arnaud touched a ball back towards the top of the box that looked like it was meant for Stuart Holden, but Holden over ran it. Beckerman was there, though, and hit a great shot inside the post. The game went to over time, and Kenny Cooper (who came in for Arnaud) sealed the win for the US from the penalty spot in the first half of extra time.

Honduras and the US will not meet again Thursday at 6pm in Chicago.


  1. Confused...

    "The Hondurans will not face the United States in the semifinals?"

    "The game went to overtime, and Kenn Cooper (who came in for Arnaud) sealed the win for KC..."

    "Honduras ans KC will not meet again Thursday at 6pm in Chicago"


  2. Was a little tired when I wrote that, obviously I need to fire my proofreader...
