Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cauldron News (Games and Roadtrips)

With the Wizards having this coming weekend off, there isn't a whole lot of Wizards news. There is, though, news coming from the Wizards supporter's group, the Hillcrest Syndicate. The Syndicate has news about the upcoming "Beckham game" as well as plans for a road trip down to Dallas to watch the Wizards play.

First, the Beckham game, coming up a week from Saturday.

Hillcrest Syndicate has some discounted Cauldron tickets available for the LA Galaxy game, on Saturday, July 25th. HS will be offering single game tickets, as well as a two game package which includes the August 29th game against Real Salt Lake. Anyone interested in more information can visit www.kccauldron.com/store or send the Syndicate treasurer an email at treasurer@kccauldron.com.

The other news is the road trip the Cauldron is playing for the weekend of August 1st down in Dallas to watch the Wizards take on FC Dallas. For more information on that trip, see this flier (click on it for a bigger image).

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