Thursday, May 07, 2009

Kissing Your Sister

The Wizards and DC United played to an uninspiring 1-1 draw last night out at Community America Ballpark. DC played without some of their bigger guns, including Ben Olsen and Fred who didn't travel, and Luciano Emilio and Christian Gomez who started the game on the bench. Still with the younger lineup out there for DC, KC couldn't take advantage of it.

KC dictated the tempo early in the game, but really weren't creating many chances for Louis Crayton in the DC net. DC started to get more of the game as Chris Pontius hit the post in the 22nd minute. Then, in the 27th minute were able to grab the lead as Jamie Moreno played a ball into the box. Rodney Wallace raced onto the ball with Lance Watson, but when Watson tried to muscle Wallace off the ball, it was Watson who fell down. As Watson fell down, Wallace 5-holed Kevin Hartman and gave DC the lead.

In the second half, KC was back to controlling most of the tempo, and actually started to look threatening. Watson made some amends for his earlier mistake in the 52nd minute when he won the ball with a sliding tackle and hopped right back up to play the ball to Jack Jewsbury whose cross was met by the sliding foot of Josh Wolff and went past Crayton and into the net to level the score. KC continued the pressure, as Claudio Lopez fired into the side netting in the 58th. Then in the 62nd minute, KC really should have grabbed the lead as Lopez played in a cross to the back post, where it was met by Wolff, unfortunately Wolff put the shot just wide of the post.

Overall a very forgetful performance and game by both teams as for much of the game they looked like they were both just going through the motions.

Wizards Man of the Match - Josh Wolff - Tough to decide this one, as no one really had a stand out performance last night, but Wolff was KC's most dangerous player and was able to at least make the most of one of his chances, although he should have had a second.

Player Ratings - Hartman 5, Watson 4, Conrad 5, Hohlbein 5, Besler 5, Wolff 7, Hirsig 5, Jewsbury 5, Arnaud 5, Lopez 4, Gomez 5


  1. I am encouraged by our play in the 2nd half, we hadnt looked that good since the San Jose game as far as dictating the game.

    H. Gomez is really starting to tick me off, he dives constantly and rountinely loses the ball when he isnt hitting the ground, his passing is pretty bad too; especially considering Harrington can play wide mid and has looked good since moving the midfield.

    C.Lopez continues to take dead balls and completely waste them. I ususally like Onalfos decisions but I dont think he is currently putting his best players on the field and isnt fixing the dead ball problem.

  2. Several observations:

    1. I agree totally with MVK. Claudio MUST STOP TAKING ANY FREE KICKS. These are squandered opportunities. He simply has not delivered one good ball from a corner or free kick.

    2. Why Hirsig at Defensive center mid and not Jewsbury? I know Jewsbury got an assist, but I think he's more valuable back and Hirsig up.

    3. Wolff was non-existent until the goal. He is not earning his check right now.

    4. Watson should have broken up the play that allowed DC's goal, but Holbein dropped his man there as well. Beyond that play I thought Watson played EXTREMELY well.

    5. Harrington looks horrible of the bench. He just can't seem to get it going when he come in late.

  3. I will not argue with either one of you, in fact I've said for a while that Lopez needs to stop taking those free kicks, they continue to be extremely bad.

    An offhanded comment made to me last night was "can we bring Marinelli back just to take our corners?" Yes it was said jokingly, but Marinelli could at least put a corner where it could actually come to something.

  4. My Junior High soccer team has at least two players who can consistently drop a corner anywhere in the box I tell them. Corners are not hard. Free kicks are a bit more difficult, but heck, short kick it to someone and work the ball rather than ALWAYS hitting the wall. Gomez can deliver a wicked free kick.

  5. Reepicheep-

    4- Watson also was the one that made that great open field tackle and then passed to Wolff who did a semi-give and go with Jewberry for the goal.

    5- I just think Harrington needs to start, he was one of the best players in that TFC game which is started and just has to much skill going both ways. Like I said im real unhappy with Gomez and think Harrington should be starting out wide instead.

  6. I wish I could see the replay of the shot where lopez hit the side netting because I think gomez was making a run for the far post and nobody was watching him. If I'm correct, the smart play would have been a fake shot that was actually a pass to the far post for gomez to toe it in behind the keeper.

  7. Nathan, the play you are referring to is in the MLSnet highlights.

  8. Unfortunately my phone does not display MLSnet's media player correctly and I won't be at a computer for 10 days. So was I way off? From where we were sitting it looked like Claudio had no chance for a shot and Herc gave him the evil eye afterwards for not passing it back to him.

  9. Nathan-

    Lopez had a window at near post, but back post was open as well and Gomez was basically unmarked. Even if Lopez doesnt pass it the shot should be at the back post reguardles in that situation.

    Passing or lack there of in the final 3rd has been a huge problem, and this situation is an example of it.

  10. Nathan, MVK gave you a pretty good break down of the play.
