Thursday, March 27, 2008

Onalfo on The 2 G's

This morning, Wizards coach, Curt Onalfo was on The 2 G's radio show on the Champions Soccer Radio Network. In an interview with hosts, Graham Bell and Peter Brown, Onalfo spoke on multiple topics, from the Wizards to his time with the US Men's National team. There was some interesting information that came out during the show. Here are some highlights.

- Sealy and Trujillo are fighting for a starting spot with Lopez. Trujillo looks like he'll get the start this weekend. (Does this mean Lopez is starting Saturday?)
- Arnaud is actually ahead dof schedule rehab wise. (Very good news for Wizards fans to see that Arnaud is on his way back.)
- Myers picked up an injury is a game time decision for this weekend. (Not good, Myers was likely to start against DC, let's hope he's able to go and has a debut like Harrington last year against DC.)
- Construction to begin in June on our SSS (Fantastic news, can't go wrong with big stadium news)
- Beckham game will probably be at Arrowhead (Figured this would happen, no use in wasting the extra revenue by only selling out CAB, when you can sell another 20K at least on top of that at Arrowhead.)

Those were some of the main highlights about the Wizards. Overall a good interview and worth listening to.

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