Monday, January 21, 2008

Wizards 2007 Draft Pick Guilty of Rape

Eric Frimpong, one of the Wizards 4th round Supplemental Draft picks last season has been convicted of rape. Shortly after being drafted by the Wizards last January, Frimpong was arrested on charges of rape. Since then he's been going through the legal system waiting to hear how his case would end. To follow the entire case you can read through some of the articles that come up on The Santa Barbara Independent's search feature. Frimpong is set to be sentenced on January 31st.


  1. "Hundreds marched, including a group of people marching in support of black 22-year-old Ghana native Eric Frimpong, a former UCSB soccer player who was found guilty of raping a fellow student. Frimpong’s supporters, a group which included several of his soccer teammates, are claiming bias and injustice in Frimpong’s case, citing several examples where they believe wrong occurred, including in prosecution witnesses’ honesty, as well as the fact that a juror was arrested for a DUI, an alcohol-related offense, the weekend of jury deliberations. Frimpong will be back in court on January 31 for a motion to dismiss the verdict, and, if denied, sentencing, in which he would receive between three and eight years in prison."

    and more:
