Sunday, January 27, 2008

Preseason Starts Tomorrow

For the majority of the Wizards, preseason training for the 2008 season will begin at the KC Sports Lodge in Independence, MO tomorrow. The team will train the next 3 days at the indoor facility, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. before leaving to continue their training down at Bradenton, FL, through February 16th. While down in FL, the Wizards will play 4 matches against Columbus, DC, Toronto, and Chicago.

After returning to KC, the team will train for about a week at either the training facility in Swope Park, or at the Sports Lodge depending on weather. The team will then depart for Argentina for a two and a half week training trip down there, returning on March 14th.

There will be at least 3 absences from the team, though to start training. Jimmy Conrad will be with the US Men's National team preparing for the game against Mexico. Chance Myers will be in camp with the U-23 team, while Will John is on trial in Denmark until the end of the month.

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