Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Speed of Government

Today was supposed to be the day that the KC Council Finance Committee voted on the plan at Bannister Mall for the redevelopment of the area. Unfortunately 3 hours or so after the 8:15 meeting started, no vote had been taken, and the matter had been tabled until next Wednesday when it will be voted on.

I was unable to attend the meeting and relied on first hand responses from people that attended the meeting. I would like to thank szazzy and slashersfc over on bigsoccer for posting their accounts of the meeting. The main topic of discussion seemed to be the discrepancies between two different models that provided two rather different financial outcomes of the project. One a nice positive outcome, the other a negative. Those are things the council will be meeting with Lane4 about over the course of the next week to discuss those discrepancies. Hopefully these issues will be ironed out and we will get a vote next Wednesday before it goes to the city council for a vote that right now still is planned for next Thursday.

I'm going to have quite a few posts tonight about today's meeting and other things. So stay tuned.

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