Saturday, December 29, 2007

2008 Wishes for the Wizards

After looking through how my wishes for 2007 went, it's time to make my wishes for the upcoming year in regards to the Wizards.

1. Save Bannister Mall Petition Fails - This is a great location for the stadium, but more then that, this is a part of Kansas City that needs to be redeveloped. It's a huge eyesore on Kansas City, and if this petition gets enough signatures, the plan for the area will basically be dead due to the time line that the Wizards have. If that happens, nothing of value is going to be in this area for another 10-15 years.

2. Public Ground Breaking for the Wizards SSS in Early 08 - I want to be there when the shovels hit the earth for the first time in the construction process. Leading to the Wizards opening up their new soccer specific stadium for the 2010 season.

3. Eddie Johnson Stays in KC - I'm torn on this one between club and country. Johnson needs to go abroad to become a better striker for the US National team, but he's proven that he can be a good goalscorer in this league. I know I'm in the minority of Wizards fans, but I'd rather have Johnson up top next season then a forward who has not proven himself in MLS and will take time to adjust to the league (Sergio Galvan Rey anyone?). I have a lot of doubt that we'd be able to find the next Luciano Emilio.

4. More Consistent Goal Scoring - Johnson's form was crap down the stretch, compared to Scott Sealy, who was in crap form to start the season. Whether Johnson is here next season or not, the Wizards need more consistency out of their strikers.

5. Good Start to US Qualifying for South Africa 2010 - The US will start their qualifying process for the 2010 World Cup in 08. The US shouldn't have much trouble this year in qualifying, but it'd be nice if they didn't leave much doubt in these early games.

6. Some Silverware - Last year I just asked for a return to the playoffs. This year I'm wanting more. I want to celebrate some silverware this coming year. It's been 4 years since the Wizards hoisted the Open Cup title, it's time to get some more trophies for the trophy case.

7. A Friendly Against a Foreign Team for the Wizards - I asked for it last year, and I'll continue to ask for it until a foreign team comes and plays in KC against the Wizards. Many European teams come over to the US in the summer for preseason training, show off that new training facility by having a team come and train there, and set up a friendly against them.

8. Sell Outs at CAB - With only 10,000 seats, and more time to get a friendlier schedule this season, I want to see the 12-14 sellouts at Community America next season.

What are your wishes for the next year for the Wizards?

1 comment:

  1. I doubt #7 happens until the new stadium opens, but would like to see it as well. We are always left out. #8--YES YES build the fan base and keep the a$$holes on BS off our backs!
